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General Nathan Bedford Forrest (Civil War Confederate General)
Who was Nathan Bedford Forrest? (Part 1)
John R Scales: Battles and Campaigns of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest
Battle of Brice's Crossroads - Forrest's Greatest Victory (Lecture)
Rare: Nathan B. Forrest Interview on Fort Pillow (The Civil War Diaries S4E28)
The Life of Nathan Bedford Forrest
Nathan Bedford Forrest: MOST FEARED GENERAL Of The Confederate Army Of The American Civil War
Ultimate Flags - Civil War Stories - General Nathan Bedford Forrest The Most Daring Courage
Rebel Forrest: The Nathan Bedford Forrest Story
Forrest’s Grave
Rare: Nathan B. Forrest Interview. (The Civil War Diaries S4E27)
Nathan Forrest: Evil Genius of Civil War